Himalayan Sound Therapy Bowls & Gongs
Specialist in Full Moon Singing Bowls... the original makers and creators

Antique Singing Bowl Originally from Tibet – 40-100 Years Old // with Drum Stick, Mallet and Cushion


This unique antique Singing Bowl comes originally from Tibet and dates back to around 1910-1970 from a private collection and has a beautiful sound and shape.

Standard Size: 8 inches to 11 inches

Standard Weight: 1.2 kg to 2.4 kg


Product Description


Namaste & Welcome to our professional Full Moon Singing Bowl Shop !


This unique antique Singing Bowl comes from Tibet and dates back to around 1910-1970 from a private collection and has a beautiful sound and shape.

A Singing Bowl is a metallic alloy musical instrument. Its history dates back about 2000 years. In the ancient period, when women got pregnant they ate food from these bowls for prosperous health for their new offspring. In the medieval period, these bowls were used for cooking food, bathing, and drinking liquors. They were also provided as part of a dowry when the daughter of a family got married. In the modern age, these bowls are now used for professional therapy and healing, for medical purposes, for relaxation, and for musical composition.

Standard Size: 8 inches to 11 inches
Standard Weight: 1.2kg to 2.4kg

If you are interested, let us know and we can send you an audio recording of this specific antique bowl.


The history of singing bowls is very exciting. Since its roots are religious as well as medical, the history consists of both myths and realities. The history of the singing bowl can be clearly classified in three distinct eras:

1. Ancient era

The existence of singing bowls have been found since the bronze age in China around 2,000 years ago. There is not any clear evidence from where they actually originated, although they were found in the mountainsides of Tibet, China, Nepal, India, and Bhutan. Handmade metal crafts became popular, usually for measurements of grains by farmers and for cooking, eating, drinking and bathing purposes by fellow citizens.

Legend says Singing Bowls were used by herbal and medicinal practitioners in the heights of the Himalayas. Practitioners used the bowls in sacred therapy for complex human anatomy issues and other problems. The bowls were kept very sacred.

When Tibetan woman were pregnant, they ate from the bowls with the belief that the metals inside were so pure in composition that they enriched the thinking habits and health of their upcoming offspring.

2. Medieval era

In the medieval era, the bowls were used for household application while the medical practice got lost. People knew their value, but they were outcast from the actual knowledge of its usage. (((I don’t understand this statement))

Some people in Sikkim, Darjeeling gave the bowls as a dowry instead of money whenever a daughter from a family was married. ((What is the bad day connection?)) This is thought to bring good fortune and it could also be sold if a husband was in debt, had a serious health issue, or other problems. ((I changed the language to past tense because this section is about the medival era))

People also began to use the bowls for musical purposes. When many bowls are placed together they gave unique combination of Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, So. It is from this concept that the modern future of singing bowls as healing bowls began.

3. Modern era

It is during the Modern Era that the singing bowl actually got its recognition. It is still used for household application, but is almost lost with the existence of aluminum appliances. Musicians found techniques to categorize the bowls on the basis of sounds, chords, and notes, such as A, A#, B, C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#. Further physics helped classify these sound on basis of frequency(Hz) at the standard of 440HZ that is audible for any human.

Religious people also adapted this theory and mixed it with the concept of Chakras (energy points) of the human body. Research was done to categorize the interaction of each body part with several notes, and the following output was published. ((You will add the findings?)) This helped to established the sacred practice which was once almost lost. The continuous effort of science and religion brought this practice to its new era, giving new meaning with greater dimensions.


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Mira & Santa

Workshop Team


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